Well done but NBC screwed the pooch
2 April 2018
Dear execs at NBC

I love your idea of presenting live Broadway shows. But it really ruins the moment when a sad song like "I don't know how to love him" is followed by a PCS commercial and a KFC commercial and commercial after commercial after commercial. If you are going to do keep doing things like this, and I hope you do, they need to be done with limited commercial interruptions. The overrun of commercials just kills this for me.

Well, that's not truly fair. The hyped up crowd is taking away from the show as well. They really need to take it down a level or four. Maybe a Prozac placed on each seat when they walk in? Otherwise, the cast is very good, as expected, and I enjoy the staging. But I am furious at NBC for all the commercials. You can't treat a live performance of a Broadway Musical like your other shows.

2020 edit - NBC has had two years to listen to the complaints, and while they have the power to reduce the number of commercials, which ruins the flow, they instead decided to re-air and if anything they increased the number of commercial breaks. Please, NBC, no more airing of live Broadway musicals. You obviously don't have a clue how to do them.
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