A fresh story
31 March 2018
A two-part special offering with a fresh story by George Edward Hall and produced by Herbert Brenon. Its most interesting portrayal is a disappointed lover bitten by a mad dog and willfully drifting into hydrophobia. This makes an impressive situation though not of the most healthy kind. The picture was taken on an island with a lighthouse and has some very good backgrounds. The story chooses the old light keeper as its center of interest and then lets the focus of attention stray from him to the love story in which Leah Baird plays the girl, adopted daughter of the keeper, and William Shay, his son. in love with her. She loves a sailor, played by Edward Mortimer. Leah's dog gets bitten on the shore and goes mad, biting William, who goes crazy. The old man, William Welsh, says that now his son is dead he will mind the light no longer and so imperils a ship with the girl's lover on it. There is a sort of "Shore Acres" with the mad son before he dies. - The Moving Picture World, January 17, 1914
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