Devil's Doors (2016)
A far from scary exit
30 March 2018
Was not expecting an awful lot from 'Exit 14', will admit that right off the bat. The concept did sound very derivative and schlocky, and because a lot of films seen recently blew their potential there was a lot of scepticism. Saw it anyway however because the cover was pretty eerie and there is an appreciation for the genre, plus an air of curiosity.

Even for someone with low expectations, 'Exit 14' failed to deliver on almost all levels. It started off reasonably well, there was a slight eeriness to the opening. The best thing, or at least the least bad thing, about 'Exit 14' was the acting, it wasn't exceptional (though nobody embarrassed themselves) but considering what they had to work with, which was terrible and would have been beneath even the worst actors and actresses, it was better than average.

As indicated, that the acting was not too bad is something of a miracle. Considering that they had characters so sketchily written, let alone developed, obnoxious and impossible to relate to, and really insipid and stilted dialogue that shouldn't have gone beyond the "coming up with ideas" stage.

There is nothing tense, creepy or suspenseful, even fun or interesting. Just lots of predictability, lazy derivation (if it was paying homage to fellow horror films, there is nothing affectionate or clever here), really dull pacing and cheesiness. The ending is weird and barely comprehensible, one of the biggest head-scratchers for any recent film viewing, as well as feeling like it came from a different film tonally.

'Exit 14' looks very schlocky visually, while the direction lacks focus and the music has no atmosphere or anything memorable or fitting at all.

In conclusion, have seen worse but a mess. 2/10 Bethany Cox
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