Zebra Lounge (2001 TV Movie)
The Striped Horse for the Quinella
30 March 2018
Cameron Daddo and Brandy Ledford play a typical suburban couple with typical jobs and a couple of typical kids. Unfortunately their sex life is starting to get somewhat boring, so they reluctantly decide to engage in some drug-fuelled mate swapping with another carefully-chosen couple. What could possibly go wrong?

Well, plenty as it turns out. The other couple is played by former vampire-slayer Kristy Swanson and a darkly-menacing Stephen Baldwin. For some unfathomable reason, the latter becomes totally obsessed with his fresh play-pals. This leads him to go w-a-a-a-y over the top in furthering his new best bro's career, with serious life-altering consequences. (He can do this because he seems to have both unlimited time and money at his disposal, for no clearly explained reason.)

Ms. Ledford, who is actually quite a talented actress, steals the show here. She will likely always be best-remembered as the mysterious masked lady in a travelogue hosted by Motley Crue's lead vocalist. Kristy Swanson is OK eye-candy too, but runs a distant second to the shapely Brandy here.

It's all in good entertaining fun, and a great cautionary morality tale as well for young couples just starting out. I have always wondered though - why has some wily entrepreneur not released a disc with this movie and the previously-mentioned travelogue both on it. I'm sure it would be a very hot item. But what do I know about media licensing rules?
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