The Real Ghostbusters: Knock, Knock (1987)
Season 2, Episode 40
Hell's Doorway
28 March 2018
This episode is my forth favorate episode of the show. Once again by one of my favorate writers J Michael Styrinski whom just writes some of the best episodes in the show this is one of them.

Not a lot I can say about this episode, I like that once again this episode gets into a bit of Lovecraftian territory as it's simply about an ancient doorway to another dimention (or possibly Hell itself) gets opened.

However what I really like about this episode is that it's plays out like a straight forward action adventure, as we see the Ghostbusters have to simply get from point A to B to save the day. And of course as usual it's a rocky road as they get to one predicament after another almost like a video game which is ironic I say that since several video games based on the "Ghostbusters" were made.

There are a lot of fun and creepy moments. One really creepy and slightly disturbing moment was when we see condemned souls forced to row a boat for all eternity going practically nowhere. But one that I thought was really creepy was when the Ghostbusters all go into a subway car and then the lights go off and then suddenly the lights turn back on and there are skellitons everywhere, it kinda reminds me of the twist in an episode of "Tales from the Darkside" that gave me chills. That moment leads up to a cool fight where the Ghostbusters are not just blasting away at not just the skelitons but the train itself and that train is just going wild as it's sufficing and submerging off and on.

This episode is one hell of a good time.

Rating: 4 stars
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