Maynard's best!
24 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Copyright 19 March 1934 by Universal Pictures Corp. No New York opening. U.S. release: 16 April 1934. U.K. release: 27 October 1934. No recorded Australian release date. 7 reels. 62 minutes. (Available on an Alpha DVD).

SYNOPSIS: Sheriff's meek but crooked twin brother ties in with an outlaw gang to steal a rancher's money.

COMMENT: If any film gives the lie to the oft-repeated canard that Ken Maynard couldn't act, this is it. Not only does Ken cleverly differentiate his two roles, making his Clem a wonderful study in watery villainy, he even impersonates a broken-down saloon singer, Eddie Barnes, and brings off his second-rate singing and dancing superbly well.

The rest of the players, led by gorgeous Cecilia Parker and heavy-browed Fred Kohler are likewise splendid. Nice to see perennial sheriff Jack Rockwell, off-beatedly cast as the heavy's chief off-sider, and so many names lending color to the ranks of saloon patrons, outlaws and posse-men.

Yes, this is an "A" production with hordes of extras and highly realistic production values lending credence to a somewhat melodramatic, even bizarre, but admirably unusual script which still encompasses plenty of action for the fans. The direction by Alvin J. Nietz and the photography by Ted McCord are both highly competent and imaginative.
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