Can Ellen Be Saved? (1974 TV Movie)
I remember this movie. richard.fuller1 is confused about this film
22 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The review by Richard Fuller1 is strangely detailed with names and actions, but the actions do not reflect anything from this film that he pans, and excuses himself for being 8 years old when he saw it. For example, he mentions drug use, but Ellen didnt use drugs. It was her friends who tempted her to do drugs. Read the review by nihilistwonder if you want to know about this film. Forget richard.fuller1's comment and poor rating.

This was a worthy film, in its time. Somebody should start showing it again on one of these tv movie channels.

What the world needs now, is de-programmers, sweet deprogrammers.

but not bullies, just real deprogrammers to re-educate the masses and help people think straight, to uncover the hypocrisy and fraud purporting itself to be the truth... but even if such people existed, who would listen? it would be boring, of course, as we have a tendency to love dreams more than realities. Thus the maxim: a sucker is born every minute, or something like that.
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