Marvel's Jessica Jones - Season 2 Episode 1 "AKA Start at the Beginning" Review - Season Premiere Starts At The Right Tone
20 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The Plot Going into this season, I had very high expectations and all of the trailers were fantastic to me which increased the hype. I really thought that, exploring Jessica's origin story and how she was given the powers that she has, was definitely the next chapter to be seen in her story. If you think about it, Season 1 dealt with Jessica's past, but it was mainly centred on the years she was being mind controlled and tortured by Killgrave (which I absolutely found that to be a great storyline!). Since that was the main focus of the first Season, we didn't get too much information on how Jessica was given her powers. We knew that she was experimented on by some organization that experiments with super abilities, but we didn't know how she actually ended up like this.

This season seems to be exploring this mystery behind Jessica's past and it starts off immediately in the first episode. I LOVED how they started this; We see Jessica a few months after she took down The Hand, alongside her new formed friends in "The Defenders". She feels even more pressure than before, on being labeled and viewed as a "Superhero" or a "Vigilante" by the citizens around her. We see that she really has been through a hell of a lot and is really just trying to live her normal life that she wanted through her own company, Alias Investigations. But the public doesn't see her as a "normal" person. She is receiving requests to beat up people and literally murder them on a daily basis! This obviously causes a lot of emotional stress on Jessica and the best way she deals with it, is of course... by drinking...

Jessica's best friend, Trish Walker, is really trying to help her figure out what happened to her, immediately after the tragic car accident that took her family's life 17 years ago. Trish does her very best to find whatever information and files she can, on where Jessica was taken and eventually experimented on. Jessica appreciates her thoughts and intentions, but she really just doesn't care what has happened to her. She is trying to move forward with her life and figuring out how to live with herself knowing she has killed a man. A lot of that weight is on Jessica's mind and when Trish wants her to investigate into what happened to her, Jessica is reminded that she feels responsible, for her family's death. Through new clients she begins meeting, comes this odd man who goes by "The Whizzer". The Whizzer tries to get Jessica's aid to protect him from someone or something, he claims to be wanting to kill him. After a few series of events, this leads Jessica to the organization I.G.H.. She locates a lab and as she steps in, haunting memories resurface...

There is also some side stories involving a new P.I. Company wanting to have Alias Investigations under their roof; Trish finding a way of keeping her radio host job by talking about "super-powered individuals"; and Jeri Hogarth, who seems to have received some information that we do not get to hear about, which will likely transcend into her story throughout the season.

The Performances As I mentioned before, I love Krysten Ritter as the snarky, coy and smart-ass detective that is Jessica Jones. She really is a talented Actress and I've seen her in a couple of films where you see that she has a lot of great character range! Entering into this season, Jessica is weathered and dead tired after all she's been through. She's kinda of going through her own "Logan" part of her character (LOL I like to use this reference for characters who are nearing the end of their story and that have experienced so much pain). Krysten's acting gives us just that, as she shows that she is just fed up with being called a hero and a murderer at the same time. We see Jessica experience some deep emotional moments than we are used to and my oh my, was I ever looking forward to these scenes. Mainly because I knew Krysten would knock it out of the park, but also because her acting would make me cry and feel, Jessica's pain and sorrow. Rachael Taylor as Trish Walker, has the best chemistry you could ask for when looking for a best friend. She shows that Trish is so caring and wants only the best for Jessica that she will go to end's meet to help her. I enjoyed her performance in the first episode and I look forward to seeing more of her character develop throughout the season. I'm also hoping to see her become Jessica's sidekick like in the comics!

Overall Thoughts I enjoyed this season premiere thoroughly! I'm so happy Jessica is back and I love the direction they are taking her story into next. I'm extremely intrigued to discover why she was given the powers and abilities that she has and how she kicks ass when she comes face to face with those who are responsible!

Thank you for taking the time out to read my review! I truly appreciate it :)
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