Not a shamless experince (Not even make me a brony) but, Eh, it's a Ok Movie
14 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't seen the series until 2 weeks before the movie came up. When it was announced, I had my complains since I never watch the show. Until a friend of my recommend me the series, I watch it and I absolutely like it for the way the make the story, the time line, the characters, the animation, the humor, the song, is a good series after all. And I was expecting the same whit the movie and... is just OK. Nothing great, nothing bad, just OK.

Let's say the bad things: The writing is bad. Not as bad as Emoji Movie or The Star, or even LEGO Ninjago, just bad. What do I mean? The movie can be predictable and cliche. And that's a issue that even the series suffer. It has cliches like "The layer reveled", "The queen who doesn't help", "The main character using their friends for distraction so he/she can do something wrong" and "The main villain reveling he lied to somebody by using to do something and saying he won't do what he made". And maybe if they make fun of them, that would be fine, but they literally said what everything has said already. Another issue is some of the characters, like Micheal Peña voices Grubber, Tempest sidekick who doesn't do anything in the movie other than be whit Tempest and saying lame jokes about cakes and The Storm King, a sinister and stupid villain that wants to be funny and scary at the time and both failing whit some lame quotes and only appearing a little in the second act and giving him a main role in the climax. There are some jokes that are not funny apart of the jokes of the characters that I don't like. Like there's a joke referencing a game called "Hungry, Hungry, Hippos". Some characters are even pointless since they don't do anything like the princesses and some could be more helpful like Discord or Starlight or Quibble Pants. And finally, Twilight. I do not hate this character, I think she's decent in here since she's interesting and funny, but she doesn't have any development whit the new characters apart of Tempest in the end. She barley interacts whit them and that's it, she doesn't have any message or scene that discovers that she was wrong and apologies whit the new characters other than the Mane 5 and Spike. And in the end, you see Twilight whit the new characters and the movie makes you believe that they're friends, but I'm sorry, if there is not development, there is not friendship. Even more when she is literally THE PRINCESS OF FRIENDSHIP.

OK, you might think that I hate this movie. Well, I don't. Like I said, is an OK film. I have seen this in theaters and the experience was OK, nothing remembering or shameless. I went whit my twin brother (Who has seen some episodes of the series and want it to watch this so he can't stop of watching CGI in animation for a while) and there were a few people out there, like 5 or 6 persons. To give it credit, it is funny actually. Not as hilarious as the series, but it is funny. There's a joke in the climax that made me laugh so hard that everyone in the theater also laugh hard, even my twin brother. The songs are pretty catchy and fun to hear like "We got this together", "Time to be awesome", "Open up your eyes" and "Off to see the world". It's a fun musical, but no the best. The animation is beautiful to look at it. The colors, the sets, the character animation, the movements, it has CGI fake in the backgrounds but they weren't annoying. Most of the characters are fun, even Twilight and some of the new are nice like Tempest, Capper and the pirates. The best parts of the movie are whit Rainbow Dash and Spike, and even Rarity, they made me laugh a lot. In the series, they are interesting characters, and here they're funny as hell giving some of the best lines in the film and every scene when they talk (Even Spike, the best character of the series) it was so good to hea. The score made by Daniel Ingram is pretty good, I wish there's a score for hearing it all. The voice acting is great. The climax is fine. And this movie brings back what Walt Disney Pictures use to do. Maybe if this was released in the 80's I would forgive it, but since it released in 2017, there's nothing to said other than find his issues on his second act and the fact that this could be better.

So overall, the movie is fine. It's an OK film that bronys and pegasisters will love to death, it manages what they want, some of the fans can be disappointing, it depends of their opinions. Maybe if the writing was more funny and creative and less predictable and cliche, this could be a good movie, maybe a better one. But I know the director had fun, the writers had fun, everyone who made the film had fun, so I won't step back and said they ruined, it could be a lot worse. Maybe I was expecting more of it, but at least is not disappointing like the LEGO Ninjago Movie. If you had a girl or girls in general, they might love this movie, more if they're fans of the franchise. For everyone who hates My Little Pony, they're not force to look this as a obligated film to watch. For everyone else, if they're interest in it, I said go and check first the series made by Lauren Faust so you can understand the world and the characters for it. 6/10.
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