Nailed It! (2018– )
Nice show but...
11 March 2018
It's really interesting to watch, it's well made, but some things just don't make sense.

Why would they give ridiculously short amount of time for the second part of the competition? They participants are people with no baking experience and the time they give them is simply not enough. I'm pretty sure not even the professionals would be able to make such an exceptional cake in under 120 minutes.

Also, the host, Nicole Byer, who seems to me like a really nice and fun person, is way too loud. It's the first time I've ever seen her on the screen and all I saw at first was her yelling. All the time. Whatever she says, she screams it. She simply cannot talk. She makes the show extremely hard to watch, not only because it gets way too annoying after the first 10 min of constant shouting, but also because you can barely hear anyone else talk. If you wanna be able to make out what the others are saying, you should put the volume nearly at max, and then after a few seconds, Nicole starts shouting and the sound wave throws you against the wall. They could've edited this before releasing the show... I mean, you don't hear the other stuff in the background, like the mixers and everything else that makes noise, do you.
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