Red Sparrow (2018)
The Payoff, Performances and Tight Plot Make Red Sparrow Worth Checking Out
11 March 2018
Addressing the elephant in the room, there are moments in this movie that will leave you squirming in your seat. Normally this would be a major negative, but this is an intentional choice. For a movie with so much sex in it, little to none of it is hot or even sexy. I think this was a brave and chancy thing to show so much raw abuse and although it is graphic, it really underscores the traumatizing effect of what Dominika is subjected to. It is uncomfortable, but I think its more realistic than people want to admit. This is an adult movie dealing with adult themes and although there were times where I wanted to look away, it didn't dissuade me from wanting to see where Red Sparrow would go.

The other big criticism I hear when it comes to Red Sparrow is the running time. I don't hesitate to gripe about a movie when there's a lull in the middle or if they stretch the movie out another 15 minutes longer than they should, but I actually didn't think movie overstayed its welcome at all. There aren't many scenes that could have been cut or moments that didn't serve a purpose. If you were going in expecting Atomic Blonde, the lack of action might not be to your liking. But I never found Red Sparrow dull or poorly paced.

There isn't a ton of action in this movie but when this movie gets violent, you really feel it. Its raw, bloody and stomach churning. Its also done in a way that feels realistic and believable. There are some brutal torture methods and the hazing that Dominika and the Sector 4 students are subjected to doesn't pull any punches. The victims develop scars that they wear for the rest of the film (a nice touch that few movies do) and the discussions surrounding it are brash. But again, I enjoyed the fact that it felt a little closer to reality.

Jennifer Lawrence is still a top shelf actress but there's a chance of oversaturation developing with her celebrity status. I'm still of the opinion that she's one of the more talented lead actresses working and she does another fine job leading Red Sparrow. She's very reserved but she conveys Dominika's calculating nature and her shock and rage under a veil of indifference. She's powerful in drawing you into Dominika's story and all its rough parts. I would like to see her do this part again in a possible sequel. I'm a fan of Joel Edgerton but I didn't like him as much as Nate. But that may be more due to his character and I thought he got better as the movie went on. The surprise standout was Matthias Schoenaerts as Vanya. I've liked him in other movies, but it was normally in a thug like role. This was a big departure from that and he was great. Charlotte Rampling is suitably chilling as the Matron of Sector 4. Jeremy Irons and Ciaran Hinds are great, you just have to ignore the iffy accents.

My issues with Red Sparrow were minor and most of them were resolved by the end. The first one was that it seemed like Dominika and Nate were given way too much leeway to be realistic. Both of them keep having setbacks and face very little blowback but the movie addresses that. You also have a couple of sub-par accents but I could look past that too.

Speaking of that ending, I was really pleased with the direction they went with. This was one of the few movies lately that was able to keep me guessing and the ambiguity surrounding Dominika's motivations was essential to keeping the viewer in the dark. I watch a lot of movies and for the movie to come up with a genuine surprise made me want to pat the scriptwriter and the author on the back.

I think that this was a risky property for the studio to back and despite the troublesome nature of the plot, this was a good spy movie. It's more Jason Bourne than James Bond but it even feels topical with all the gender politics in the news right now. I think the movie is empowering in the fact that Dominika faces all this difficulty (and I can't stress enough that she goes through a $#!T storm) and she's not just using her body to get through this, its her mind that's her most valuable asset. I wouldn't mind checking out a sequel and although I think this will be a divisive movie, I would still recommend it if you can handle the subject matter.
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