Buried Secrets (2014 TV Movie)
You're my sister from the same mister
8 March 2018
Mysterious? No - ..... Dramatic? No - ..... Suspenseful? No - ..... Surprise ending? No - ..... Good acting? No - .....

I could go on answering any questions and/or curiosities you have about this made for TV film but simply stated the producers wasted their money putting this bogus story in film. There seems to be a conspiracy against a detective that was dishonorably discharged so the fired detective Sarah Winters (played by actress Sarah Carter who may have asked for her film name to be the same so she could turn around when called by her name Sarah?) decides to write a fictional book but maybe it isn't so fictional after all. There is a stranger that is following both Sarah and her daughter around town and it shouldn't take you long to figure out what he is up to.

To summarize the story in one word, that word would be "boring".

I give this made for TV movie a 2 out of 10 rating
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