First time I have walked out on a film
5 March 2018
I have absolutely nothing good to say about this film. It is hands down the worst I have ever seen, and so far it is the only time I have ever left a cinema before the film was over. I endured 45 minutes while several other people walked out. Then I caved in from the torture and gave up. The direction is bizarre. The script is the most dire I have ever seen. There is no storyline. The dialogue is downright ludicrously weird. The constant howling of the wind really gets to you after a while. And after a cirka 10 minute scene of two soldiers standing on their heads right in front of each other while exchanging words that would make the biggest fruit loop in any sanatorium jealous, I had had enough.

I enjoy cultural masterpieces such as David Lynch's Mulholland Dr., but this ... ! Yes, I realise this may be "culture" on some level, but it sure is not for me in any way. Don't touch this with a 10 foot pole!
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