Lady Bird (2017)
A highly realistic depiction of pre-college
28 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I had the opportunity to watch this film during a day of seminars at my high school. We planned to watch this the first time we had the seminar, however not all of my classmates brought the permission slips. Now that everyone brought them, we truly kicked off the seminar with this film, and what be my thoughts?

I really appreciated how realistic the acting turned out to be; the emotions, the situations and how the actors responded approach the struggles that plenty of high school seniors face in getting into college. The powerful implications behind the behavior of certain characters, especially Marion, bolstered this further by making the struggles even more believable. In some ways, it actually reminds me of my own problems when approaching college, specifically finding a school where I would fit well, do well, and be well but wouldn't financially strain my parents. The set designs aren't too special, again owing to the fact that they're attempting a realistic approach, but they are utilized nicely by the actors. I don't have much to say about the cinematography, since it covers the angles that would be used with one's eyes to view fascinating events, but doesn't do anything otherwise notable.

Despite how much I enjoyed this movie, I feel like its messages and structure will appeal more to those who can immediately connect to it. I feel like the people who would most like this movie are ones like Christine, though I personally do not know many people who are in positions comparable to her own. I could recommend this to older families, but I do feel like a bit more caution should be taken with this film than with other films I rated 8. But should you consider seeing it anyway? Most absolutely.
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