Review of Honor

The Walking Dead: Honor (2018)
Season 8, Episode 9
Mostly better then the rest of the season
26 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Well, I do feel that this episode is way better then the rest of the season. There are no real plot holes since there no much to tell: Carl dies, Morgan and the gang save the king.

It was executed perfectly in my opinion because we do feel how Morgan is so close to losing his mind but then he is reminded of his actions when the boy kills that gang leader that attacked the Kingdom. I think the show would benefit greatly if Morgan will (finally) find that middle ground where he knows that killing is wrong but in the same times knows when to pull the trigger. I somewhat in fear that Morgan will die or be written off somehow since there isn't much that can't be done with him at this point. Even if he will see the error in his new ways, what next? We will see him once again battling with those demons? C'mon,we already saw it in like all past seasons... So im very curious where he will go next.

Now to Carl...As a comic book reader I think that this death (much like Andrea back in the day) are very important and meaningful to the road ahead of us. I also think that all the hate that is brought on the writers for killing off Carl isn't justified. I mean, if there was a conflict with the show runners and the actor then yeah it is really sad that it had to go down that road. But since this show wants to set it apart from the comics (in a way) - for example explaining why did Rick all of a sudden spares Negan's life - then this episode is a great example of how to execute a MAJOR change perfectly. I don't remember so much hate for the writers when Andrea was killed, and she is such a major character in the comics, so I do believe that some perspective here is needed.

Overall - good episode but could have been better. To many cl0ose ups on Rick's eyes. It is getting tiresome. The times wasted on silly shots and reruns of Carl's visions could have been put toward showing how the rest of the group says goodbye to Carl. For me this was the biggest disappointment here.

The editing is just bad this season. Too many close ups, really long episodes without any major consequences/character development. This must be improved going forward. However, Carl's death and the King's save missions were performed very well.
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