August Underground (2001 Video)
Don't let the poor cam quality fool you
26 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
There's a reason they filmed this with the worst quality possible. I ate a sandwich while watching every "brutal" scene (minus the fake vomit, bc that's the most realistic and sickening thing). Pay attention to when they move the camera away, then what happens once it's back. Take the scene with the two girls. Why does the blonde look like she's literally had blood streaks painted on her (no wound would ever cause those oddly perfect lines of blood running down almost her entire body), yet in the previous scene (yep, before camera cut), she's got nothing on her but whatever she spit out of her mouth to look like vomit?!? Now, it really turns into a comedy when they (again) cut away from the brunette and then back to her just in time for him to cut into her abdomen. I mean she wasn't a small girl, but why has her stomach become massive suddenly? Go look. It looks like she's suddenly 9-months along. Then, that scene that probably grossed so many out...when he sliced into her. You would have to have ZERO knowledge of the internal organs of a human to believe whatever he was pulling out looked like her bowels. The poor camera helps their attempt, but he's pulling things out that look like they could be several spleens or kidneys?!?! Do not let the fact that it's grungy and dirty everywhere make you think these effects are realistic. Watch the camera, and what it doesn't show!
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