No... No... Gadget Brodrick!
26 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
There are adaptions and there are remakes of cartoons. This movie straight up defiles the cartoon it was based upon. If there were a porno based up the Inspector Gadget franchise, I'd find it'd be pressed hard to be more offensive then Matthew Brodrick's performance as Inspector Gadget. To put it into perspective... there was a direct to video sequel starring French Stewart as Gadget... that was infinitely better as it least French Stewart knows how to play a bumbling idiot. It would seem rather then been watch Get Smart, The Pink Panther movers and the Original series Brodrick instead decided to watch Rob Schneider Movies as he plays Gadget as some unlucky guy were supposed feel sorry for and hope he gets the girl. This enough is more then enough to upset the fans of the original show, but that wasn't enough for the people writing this film. Dr. Claw in the original series was always hidden in the shadows, making him one of the most iconic villains for not being seen... this movie didn't even wait a half hour to give him a face... or an excuse to have the claw name by having him lose his hand in a really really stupid way along with when Joe (yeah they thought that Gadget needed a name) got his cyborg body.

Penny and Brain in the original show did most of the work so that Gadget could take the credit and be a hero. Here they almost weren't even present and you can't say it was they were too afraid at the idea of cgi effects (straight up abuse in this film) given what they did with brain in the credits. Chief Quimby was played up as a straight up jerk the whole movie too.

This issue I have is about a character but it gets its own point because of just how awful it was. In the cartoon Gadget near the end of the series got his "Scrappy Doo" of the time, Corporal Capeman, an obnoxious overweight man who boarders on being a vigilante but ends up extending Gadget's gross incompetence.... he would have been a welcome condition compared to what gadget got as a sidekick... namely the the gadget mobile. In the original cartoon the gadget mobile was quiet, it's most amazing feature was it was a police car that was up to racing specifications that could become a precursor to sub suv. Here they decided to turn it into an obnoxious, severely racist stereotype, wingman to Gadget. I know it was part of Disneys need to push some over the top magical character in kid's faces but It was obnoxious to some of us who were grown teens who grew up with the show and had this paste it character added.

The plot follows Joe Brown as a originally a pathetic security guard hoping to become a police officer but didn't have what it takes, so one day while working guarding a science firm working on building cybernetics controlled by psionic transferring chips allowing people to control robot parts with the human brain... he interrupts a robbery by Dr. Claw and his henchmen and he gets blown up after the scientist who made the parts gets murdered but his daughter sees the effort Joe went through to try and save her dad and insists they do unethical beyond belief things to save Joe's life turning him into something looking like a cross between Robocop and the Mask.

Joe becomes Inspector gadget, someone chief quimby treats like he deserves to be treated given he hasn't done anything at this point to make him more then mascot for the police force then anything. Gadget insists on trying to catch claw.

At some point as if Brodricks bad acting wasn't bad enough, a robo gadget shows up built by claws henchmen... it demonstrates that brodrick can play an evil version of gadget somehow even worse then his portrayal of good gadget.

Somewhere along the movie claw snaps the chip that lets gadget control his gadgets and it looks like he effectively dies... til magically he saved by his heart with the power of love or something. In the end he catches claw (can't they even get that right?) and saves the day.

To say this movie was bad would be like saying wisdom tooth surgery pain is a bit achy.
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