Britannia (2017–2021)
truly awful. couldn't get through the first episode.
24 February 2018
The only redeeming quality was Donovan's "Hurdy Gurdy Man" during the opening credits, otherwise this is just a load of dung. First of all, I was unable to understand most of the dialog. If you wish to keep my attention, speak in a manner that is intelligible, not in some unknown foreign tongue with impossible-to-read white captions on white backgrounds down at the bottom of the screen. I wish to be "entertained"; I do not need or want to have to go work my way through a learning curve to "figure out" what you're trying to say. Secondly, the anachronisms make the show farcical. If that was your intent, fine, but from the beginning the program is presented as something that pretends to take itself seriously. For Chrissakes, go to the library and read some history books before you start drafting a screenplay. Third, as has been mentioned, utterly preposterous situations and plot developments are better left to comedy, and I certainly did not get the impression that the intention was to present comedy. There have recently been a number of really good "historical" productions presented on Netflix and Showtime like Tudors, Vikings, Last Kingdom, none of which strictly adhere to historical fact, but manage not to make themselves look silly in their effort to tell "stories". It looked like they had some decent talent, an adequate budget, and lots of production people making costumes and sets, but they would have done better if they'd not had schoolboys writing the script. Truly awful. We didn't even make it all the way through one episode. Old Star-Trek reruns are far more entertaining.
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