Review of Red Eye

Red Eye (2017)
Not good.
20 February 2018
Firstly, I watch a lot of z-grade horror films so I'm familiar with rushed production and low budget films but this film had bigger problems than it's low budget and obviously rushed production schedule.

OK. What this film severely lacked was likable characters - there was not a single one in sight. I feel like that was my biggest issue with the script, which is a true shame since they had lengthy moments (sometimes a little TOO long), but I could care less. The only one that could be likable or someone you can root for was the pregnant one BUT she is totally counteracted by the fact that she's a slut because of all her 'issues'... but a slut who is screwing her 'best friend's' man. BLAH. The final girl is a terrible 'final girl' - she's almost all talk and no action. She's way too vulgar and uses an unnecessary large amount of foul language - that's fine and all but it seemed soooo forced in contexts of their conversations and when it comes down to it, she just screams and runs... oh okay. And we get it, the characters are into horror and the macabre, you don't need countless dialogue reminding the audience of that. The male characters are not much better; typical jock attitude that (rapes his girlfriend?) and a movie junkie... totally not sure these kids would go camping together in the first place.

I wonder how many revisions or edits the screenwriters actually made before filming. I feel had they taken the time to read the script out loud, they would notice the dialogue is very stiff and doesn't come out naturally (and that's not due to the actors' fault). And again, absolutely totally unnecessary to keep reminding us the characters are into horror! It's repetitive... it's not doing anyone any favors, just irritating the audience.

The storyline also moves slowly. Yes, action begins around the 30 minute mark or so but because the characters are so unlikable and the dialogue is horrendous, it seems like a journey to get to the first interesting event (the prego girl getting injured). Something significant or interesting needed to happen in the first 30 minutes outside character conversations (or the build up).


OK, it would have been effective on its own they killed the pregnant girl. But, not only was she murdered, her body was assaulted afterwards and then clearly ejaculated on in later shots. The other girl was treated no less with respect. She is also raped after she is murdered. That would've been fine to keep up with the same traits the killer does but she is raped by someone totally different! It was totally nonessential and tasteless... almost to a level of immaturity.

I did enjoy the cinematography but pity him for the fact that his work was included in this. It was almost too good for something like this.

Hopefully the director and writer mature, as individuals, and work on characters, dialogue, and death scenes that are actually effective.

Grade: F
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