Review of Return 0

Person of Interest: Return 0 (2016)
Season 5, Episode 13
Bittersweet ending, but so great
19 February 2018
POI has been (and still remains) my favorite TV show. Ever. I still keep on rewatching it in full, twice a year.

What could we expect when a channel decided the show had to be cancelled, and that the storyline of such a story had to find its end in only half a season ?

They did, and they did it well. Changes in the story arc had appeared gradually through the seasons. Always more surprise, more unpredictable events, more intensity. By the end of this last season, the changes are even more impressive. And this season finale episode is their apogee.

These final scenes seem so real and unreal simultaneously. And what if all this was just a simulation ? Some familiar characters in this show had already asked that question.

There are good and bad things in this finale. Fun and sad things. And love. And hate. As usual. But the best of it is that, with an open mind, anyone can imagine what will happen afterwards, to each his/her own way.

Many excellent shows had poor, dumb, disappointing endings. This one is not at all. Best way to pay tribute to such an understanding show.
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