Please stay with it.
18 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Now seriously, stay with this. My 15 year old picked this up in a charity shop for 25p and said "I bet this is horrible" - so we bought it to laugh at it over the half term holidays. We watched this today, all three of us as "family time" while we ate spaghetti - its possibly the worse thing I've ever seen, I'm not even sure if my husband is still alive. HOWEVER you must watch it to the end because you will not be expecting that. The best part which they very thoughtfully paused for me while I went to get dessert (I tried) was when Sparky, our 21 year old 8 year old "hero" went to get some body modification and while he was screaming in the background the most FU bird I've ever seen flew over the scene, I thought my son was going to choke to death on his spaghetti, watch the wings. This is very helpfully in the "scene selection" section so you can watch it as many times as you like. Watch it to the end where it takes a Dexteresque turn for the very disturbing. Overall, I don't regret the 40 minutes of physical pain I endured as it led us here to laugh at the amazing reviews, which is probably why you're here. Welcome to the club, we're like plane crash sole survivors, no one will ever understand what we went through. They'll be a group therapy session at the main street YMCA main hall Thursday at 10, see you there.
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