Not highly regarded, but it has its moments!
16 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This "B" movie from 20th Century Fox was strictly a supporting feature that flagrantly made use of stock shots from "Cafe Metropole" that was made earlier by Fox in the same year, namely 1937. So I guess it's no wonder that "Dangerously Yours" is not listed for preservation, despite its good cast.

The story is certainly on the corny side, the dialogue is flat, the photography too bright and the compositions far from engaging.

True, the acting is okay (thought it could have been much better) and, as said, the dialogue is flat.

However, Miss Brooks makes a passably attractive heroine and the rest of the acting is okay (although with very little effort, it could have been much better).

And at least the story moves forward at a reasonably sharp speed, thanks both to capable acting and sharp film editing.

The movie survives in a nice nitrate print, but as noted above, it is not even listed for preservation, let alone a re-issue on DVD.
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