End of Summer
14 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Warning do not read unless seen episode.

Summertime has always been my second favorate season because it's a time to not just cut loose but also not worry so much about the time as the days are long which means plenty of time to do whatever you want. However despite how much time stretches it never feels long enough as summer ends as quickly as it began. That's always been a bit of a sad feeling for me, may'be because I feel I haven't had enough time to do everything I wanted or just the dreaded thought of having to get back to the old grind stone again; whatever the case it's a feeling we all face. Though it makes us appreciate summer even more and how prechious time truly is.

This is my second favorate special of the show, and this was the very first special I've seen. It's a bizzare plotline about Pete, Pete, and Ellen conducting a search for the mysterious Ice Cream Man Mr. Tastee whom has became as hard to find as Waldo in the "Where's Waldo" books. It's kinda funny how all the kids in Wellsville go though this ice cream withdrawal, why the heck they don't seek alternatives like "Darry Queen" and "Baskin and Robbins" is anyone's guess; I guess they both wouldn't really taste the same.

There are a lot of fun things like seeing Artie fighting a Queen Bee, despite the fact it wouldn't be a contest if Artie just squashes it. But knowing Artie he likes to be fair and chalanges it to a staring contest, though I'm not sure how Artie would know whether the Queen Bee smiles or not. Or even at the beginning seeing Artie and Young Pete beat up the Atlantic Ocean, that always cracks me up I actually did try that a couple of times as a kid when I went to the beach.

Though the highlights for me were seeing Young Pete rebels against a Baywatch reject by jumping off a diving board hundreds of times, even staying at the pool; I just thought that was cool because it just shows Young Pete's relentless determination. And of course Don finding a buried car in the beach with a metal detector, that would be a dream come true for all metal detector owners.

But the special has some touching themes of this are about the end of summertime but mainly Connection from a distance. Old Pete, Young Pete, and Ellen's pursuit for Mister Tastee is a touching one because their not doing it because of the ice cream he hands out but because he's a soul they feel is lonely and deserves company. Mr Tastee is a bit of a sad figure due to how isolated he is, which is true with lots of people whom are loners or just aren't socially lucky despite how nice they are or who they are as people.

Though in a strange why the whole search for Mr. Tastee has actually made all three have a fulfilling summer, it actually wasn't boring there wasn't one dull spot which has always been the one pratfall of summer. In a way you can see Tastee was actually there for them as he does what he does best making summer fun. And sure enough their pursuit does pay off in the end, as Tastee arrives on the very last day of summer, to spend some time with his friends which I always felt is the best thing to do before the sunsets.

The ending is touching and bittersweet as we see Tastee drive away from Pete, Pete, and Elen waving good bye to him from the distance and he has a picture of them on his dash. That drive way didn't just signify the end of summer but also how no matter how far apart the people in our lives our, their always close in our hearts.

Rating: 4 stars
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