Review of Nails

Nails (I) (2017)
Could be better (spoilers)
13 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I love the idea of this film than the actual film I think...the storyline is what drew me in, there could of been so much more to it than this but it just fell short. Shauna Macdonald was great, one of the reasons I watched this as I thought she did good in The Descent so her acting was definitely a plus. However, the plot. Straight foreword to the point, only I didn't really dig it. I think it could of went much deeper... It was very predictable. I was completely confused by Nails motives. Why? What's the point is this? Unfinished business? She's the one who got away? Reallllly? That's just so... boring. Of course in every horror film there's always the annoying little tidbits that make me wanna groan in frustration. Example; the daughter wandering off on her own, poking her nose into peoples hospital room? Erm I guess that's allowed right? Of course there's other parts but I don't want to bore you with them details... It was creepy. I jumped. A dark atmosphere. All the right lighting, noises, jump scares and deaths, frightening ghost so if you looking for just one of them daft B movie films to give you the heebie jeebies before bed then this is the film for you, just don't go in with high expectations...
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