David Lynch Fans Rejoice!
9 February 2018
In a day where horror audiences have seen demons and psychos kill people in every way possible, House of Demons offers a fresh take. A talented cast and crew confront big ideas in this small budget indie.

The cinematography and editing, while at times disorienting, are exciting, emotional, and vivid. The film isn't scary in the black cat jumping out, cheap scare way. Instead it's more of a moody ominous tone, psychological tension, and existential dread. I found myself multiple times reacting to the film in the way I did with Mulholland Drive or Twin Peaks - terrified and wanting to scream out while simultaneously wowed (and almost giddy) by the and thrilled by the execution of those scenes. So happy to see more films that are able to do that.

If you check out House of Demons you will be taken places you didn't expect and believe it or not may even come out of the film inspired. I highly recommend it!
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