Dustin, you suck!!!
7 February 2018
I have never written a review to any tv show in my life but after watching the latest episode of white water, I had to set up an account and leave a review of what I think was a horrible behavior (I'm been polite here) by Dustin. What happened to you from Porcupine times to turn you into this hater, egocentric maniac that speaks to people or better yet, to employees, the way that you do? I know better, no one does it better or how I wanted, no patience for anyone! I felt bad for you in the past while now you are coming accross as petulant know it all overgrown child. Shame on you for doing this to someone after it was done to you and knowing what it feels like. Between you and me... treat me like that and you might have ended up in the fire pit. Douche. Besides that, love the show. Fred it's coming along great. Keep it up.
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