Review of Nora Inu

Altered Carbon: Nora Inu (2018)
Season 1, Episode 7
Level Up! Altered Carbon Comes Back To Form!
4 February 2018
Not gonna lie, Episode 6 was starting to lose us a little. The series went from bladerunner/wondrous to generic, post-apocalyptic death-matches. But with the return of someone from Kovacs's past, we learn about his induction into the host of the Envoys. In the process we are shown Harlan's World, the DHF central core, a Songspire, the childhood event that fuels Kovacs loyalty to his sister, and the fate of the Envoys.

Quell's perspective on sleeving is compelling, and part of what makes this story interesting. How would immortality affect the human psyche? Is death an equalizer that, when stripped away, dehumanizes us?

This series is best when examining the questions its tech raises and the humanity behind its history. Nora Inu provides some entertaining character drama and beautiful imagery. Will Yun Lee is wonderful as O. G. Kovacs. This episode is a level up!
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