Golden Arhan (1975)
Revenge Takes too long
3 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The lighting in the version I watched was beyond horrible. I will not hold that against this film, however. The beginning fight scene involves Chuen Chan (Carter Wong) holding a baby while doing battle with the evil Miao Yi Tao (Chiang Yi). Tao had previously abducted Chuen Chan's wife (who committed suicide before the fight). The fight leaves Tao a Eunich. Tao vow revenge against Chan. Chan decides atoning for his sins is the best thing to do and enters a Shaolin Temple to return to the priesthood. This leaves his son in the hands of a close friend (Wen Chiang-Long), who promises to raise the child as his own. Years later, Chan's nearly grown son (Meng Fei) gets to go on his first security job with Elder Sister (who has a severe case of PMS). Meng gets into trouble with Elder Sister, actually trying to properly do his job. Her attitude toward him makes absolutely no sense. It's as if she has a severe hate for the kid. She dismisses Meng and demands he return home. He meets a pickpocket along the way who gets him into more trouble. They part ways when Meng overhears two of Tao's cronies discussing plans to again try robbing Elder SIster's security caravan and that Tao has gone to the security office. Tao wants Chan's location which Wen refuses to do. Tao is told to return in 3 days to get his answers, after he threatens to kill Wen's family. I am not sure what the deal is with 3 days in these movies, but it seems everyone has to wait 3 days for something to happen.

Wen sends Meng away in the hopes of protecting him from Tao. Meng is saved from an ambush by his younger foster sister (she left home because she was bored). They encounter the pickpocket, who has had to leave the town where she met Meng. They journey to the location Meng is supposed to meet the man who will train him. Wen is waiting for them and reveals Meng's true identity (after Meng explains he's pretty much figured it out already). Chan is now the Abbot at the temple.

Tao arrives and tries to kill Meng. Wen intervenes and demands Meng take the girls and leave. The Pickpocket is injured when she tries to protect Wen from Tao. Meng takes the girls and departs as Wen has a literal death grip on Tao.

Elder Sister awaits Tao and his entourage as they journey to the Temple to find Chan. The fight scene isn't bad, considering it's just here against 20+ men and Tao.

Meng and his foster sister arrive at the temple with Tao hot on their heels. Meng makes a big scene trying to call out Chan. The Monks respond with some hand to hand fighting, while Meng continues to scream for his father to make an appearance.

The final scene between Chan and Tao is total crap imho. Chan refuses to fight, even after Tao takes a few stabs at Meng. Chan wants Tao to repent for his crimes. Tao wants his Manhood back, something that isn't going to happen. There's some chatting about which of them needs to repent more. Chan, in response, takes out his own eyes. Then, begs Tao to repent. The Monks chant for Tao to repent and ....he does. Just drops his daggers right there and becomes the 18th Shaolin Disciple.
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