Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Dark, sure, but also in many ways brilliant.
30 January 2018
A beautiful, cinematic, morally ambiguous and yet inclusive Star Trek for modern times. The cast are brilliant and the twists genuinely clever. I'm less happy about this iteration of the Klingons. Perhaps it's just me, but there seems to be a racial and cultural element to them that is unacceptable.

There are more than a few reviews here that declare this Star Trek to not be Star Trek. Apparently some folks believe a franchise must follow its cookie-cutter siblings to be considered a legitimate member of the family. There are complaints that it is dark, dystopian... these words repeat over and over. Star Trek is expected by many to be sunny, optimistic and utopian. Because they maybe feel science fiction requires at least one happy warm pocket a viewer can hide in, snuggled away from a troubled reality. In which case, those past series are still there for them to enjoy. This, however, is a Star Trek for the 21st century, in which moral and political certainties are questioned. If the traditional power structures of the real world today are being dramatically restructuring, it seems to me extraordinary that anyone should expect a child of Gene Roddenberry not to reflect that.

It is not the greatest show on television right now by a long shot. Is it better than a 7.4 rating on imdb? A star rating system, a point rating system, is the clunkiest way to assess anything. I've given this show eight, because I think you have to give some kind of rating for imdb to accept a review? But I've really enjoyed Discovery so far. I hope it continues and goes from strength to strength. I hope it at least addresses what I consider an unfortunate misstep.

By the way, should anyone think I'm being paid to write this, please let me assure you I am not. I was a theatre critic for fifteen years. I hope folks are willing to trust me when I say, nobody is getting rich off writing reviews on a website.
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