Skid Kids (1953)
Help, I'm drowning in nostalgia!
27 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Talking Pictures Channel is an absolute treasure trove to old saddos like me. Rarely does a day pass without my finding some long lost gem which I viewed, either at the pictures or on tv in the early fifties. Skid Kids however, almost had me in tears. I was pulled, almost physically, back to a Saturday morning around 1958 when me and my brother along with a legion of other kids in school caps and short trousers, having queued in an unruly fashion outside the Rosum cinema; then, having paid our sixpence, would have cheered and booed our way through this film. All the time wishing we could have been the kids chasing the crooks on bikes and roller skates and cornering them just as the police arrived in an old Wolesley with a clanging bell. Sorry, I'm rambling! Cracking little number from the Childrens Film Foundation involving bike speedway and a gang of cycle thieves. Believable kids (though some had too posh an accent), comic villains, traffic-free streets. Black and white photography. What more could you want! Except maybe a packet of sweet cigarettes and a penny chew bar!
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