cheesy, silly, perfect!
26 January 2018
The movie is based loosely on some technobabble things about time travel, which is an insult to the intelligence of those of us who have read about it in a newspaper or heard about it somewhere, because the theory as treated in the movie does not coincide with physical facts, and the plot is represented by subjects that have no idea about what they are talking about.

Of course! what did you expect; that they represented time travel as it happens in real life? that the parallel universes looked like the parallel universes we already know? what kind of bloody idiotic moron would go to a kids movie then starts criticizing it because the characters were childish, or because the plot was so simple that kids could understand it even though it was advertised that way? No, this is not a kids movie, but it follows the same situation where somebody spoofs a zombie movie and mocks the hero because zombies walk slowly, and everybody criticizes the movie because now they don't feel like their heroes are so super after running away from slow walking zombies.

It said 'Will Ferrell' in the cover, what did you expected. It is a comedy; it was never presented any other way. There are lots of bad reviews because the series made you feel intellectual when you watched it as a kid but now you feel ridiculed. Yes, that's what normally happens when you see something that is a spoof of something else. Also, if you feel ridiculed when you took your kids to see how awesome was the series you watched as a kid, and instead you show them potty humor, you may have thought about it before taking your kids to a movie that was rated PG13

Actually, It is a good think they made this movie, as it's been long since a comedy like this was made, from the times of 'Naked Gun', 'Hot Shots' or even 'Top Secret' (and maybe Mystery Men). Nobody knows how to make good comedies anymore.

On the other hand, is incredible that thru the movie all actors do their part with a straight face; is like they were born to play these characters.. and all wrapped in a beautiful photography. All desert scenes are just picture perfect, and could perfectly be taken as a still and be framed. The CGI, despite some comments, was really nice and convincing; and puppet effects were also adequate in a cheesy way that makes the movie be aware of itself. Is like they were breaking the fourth wall all the time, without actually doing it once.

Is a great movie for what it is, and sorry it did not made you feel like you wanted to be the main character. Suck it up.
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