Fed up with this kind of movies
25 January 2018
Here is simple truth. A film isn't good just because it breaks certain rules of storytelling or is just done different than "mainstream movies". I see critics falling for that again and again. This film is the perfect example.

Take the dialog for example. The dialog in this film is absurd. All characters explain everything they say or mean in every moment. That maybe unusual but that doesn't make it good.

The music is another example. At a certain point in the movie you get just plain annoying music in every scene. It plays just one or two notes. It is supposed to make you uncomfortable. It works but not as it should be. The idea is to play the uncomfortable music in moments of great discomfort not as a constant background music. Because that makes you just uncomfortable in the sense of being annoying.

This film succeeds in being unconventional but fails to be good film making.
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