It goes to show ya...the critics get it really wrong sometimes.
23 January 2018
This is, fairly objectively, a really good movie. I have talked with a couple of dozen friends about it, and they ALL liked it. A lot. There are things to complain and curmudge about, I suppose, if you are trying way too hard to complain and curmudge.

I have no idea how this flopped at the box office(s). So, I'll blame the critics for missing the greatness of this movie.

It starts with a who's who of British acting talent, under the direction of none other than Guy Ritchie, who has a modem take on a classic legend, huge sweeping scenes in beautiful landscapes, a big dose of magic, and is woven through cinematography that is on par with the best action epics ever. How did you people get it so wrong? Did you sleep through the viewing?

My only complaint is that the imdb trailer has a Led Zeppelin song, but the movie does not. That's it. That's all I've got. Everything else is to notch, premium, grade freakin' A, videographic entertainment. There are a few Guy Ritchie quirks and wrinkles, like fast-action montages to explain years of the story, or that oddball shot that looks like the cameraman is actually a Go-Pro camera attached to a guy who is running next to the subject of the shot. And it works.

Jude Law plays the villain and he kills. Yeah, I went there. And the music, with a distinctly Celtic flavor, was outstanding and enhanced the visual effects really well.

I recommend this movie without hesitation.

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