Review of The Elf

The Elf (2016)
Skip it. I wanted to like it, but it missed the mark completely.
21 January 2018
I heard about this movie because I am a big fan of killer doll movies. Even if they are bad, if they are fun and have great set pieces or kills or even just memorable characters I can find enjoyment in them.

This was DOA however. The characters were flat, boring and annoying. And I'm fine with character development but it takes so long to get to the first kill that when it happens it is so underwhelming and random that I didn't even care.

You don't care about any of the characters or what the main character is going through. For a second early on I thought it might get interesting but the pacing and build is just so odd that even that falls flat.

I really truly wanted to like this. I'm a huge fan of low budget horror flicks but this tried to take itself way to seriously (its a movie about a killer elf doll...) and because of that it was boring and I'd say it wasn't even really worth spending the 2 dollars I did at the Redbox. Nothing really memorable here and there are so many better movies of this subject matter in the horror genre, you're better off checking those out or just re watching them. Maybe next time.
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