It's horrifyingly foolhardy to trust "the son . . . "
19 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
" . . . of a Napa Valley fruit picker" to be your U.S. Congressman, immigrant ban appellate judge, or personal doctor armed with an air bubble injecting hypodermic needle killing machine, Universal Pictures anticipates Leader Trump's warning against allowing murderers and rapists from the South to infiltrate our once-great American Homeland. Universal taps Anthony Quinn to portray one of these Southern Threats for its PORTRAIT IN BLACK feature. At 1:34:05 Universal even has a narrator intone the Hippocratic Oath to illustrate for viewers how enabling hot-blooded outliers to practice medicine here makes a mockery of our most sacred profession. Should one of these medical miscreants get within a needle's length of Leader Trump's arteries, Universal warns, Wall Street will be forever blowing bubbles. PORTRAIT IN BLACK also cautions this nation's Trump disciples against the danger posed by young, exotic "trophy wives," such as Lana Turner's character "Sheila." Chicks such as Sheila might be pretty as a rose to look at, but many harbor deadly bee stings inside. Leader Trump would have been just slightly older than Black Widow Sheila's young son "Peter" when PORTRAIT IN BLACK was hung out to dry. Let's hope he was paying attention to its lessons.
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