Legend Quest (2011– )
A Lot Of Fun
16 January 2018
True, it's not perfect. And some of Ashley's historic connections and theories are tenuous at best -- but they are real. The facts are there and the evidence is undeniable, even if it could just be coincidences.

The biggest problem with the show -- and why it failed to live past one season -- is the fact that it was shown on syfy. Thus the editing push towards action packed excitement was necessary, as well as the cutting of a lot of archaeological details. 15 minutes per mystery was simply too little to delve into details and make the show come alive and real.

For example the episode dealing with the sun disk was painfully shortened. Reading blog posts and articles by the crew about the trip from where the episode emerged, it becomes clear that there was a lot more archaeological details and investigations. And the fact that Ashley nearly died on that trip wasn't even mentioned in the show.

In other words, if the show had avoided the 15 minutes per investigation and given each story more time, details and character, the show would have stuck around a lot longer.

Also, Discovery or History would have been a better channel than Syfy.
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