Average and slow-moving Chorizo/Spaghetti Western co-produced by Spain/Italy
16 January 2018
This tortilla Western deals with an intrigue that involves several killings and robbing . A man called Sol Lester (as Jim Reed or Luigi Giuliani) is accused for robbing and murder by a court presided by a stiff judge and a jury . As he is judged for a crime he hasn't done, and, and he is sentenced various years in prison thanks to a false witness , the beautiful saloon girl Cora (Germana Monteverdi) . May 1887 , he is imprisoned in Federal Prison of Amargosa , and freed in 1892 . After have been in prison, Sol Lester who is actually innocent , comes back to get his vendetta, and returns to the little town , Paraíso , but here there is no searching and hiding and killing of the enemies one after another . Later on , fast-draw Lester results to be appointed as new sheriff . Meantime , Lester , fall for Lois Duvall (Marta Padovan), niece of the judge Wilker (Gustavo Re) . Aong the way , Lester discovers the actual killer , Bliss (Carlos Otero) and his henchmen as Coleman (Gaspar 'Indio' González) .

This is a murder mystery Western in which a gunfighter, ex-con turns into sheriff and attempts to find out the real killer and to prove his innocence . It is an exciting western that packs a story full of violence , fights , killings and subsequent suspense , mediocre pace , plot twists , middling direction and regular interpretations abound . It contains an intriguing premise to investigate and to discover a murderer , including red herrings , and results to be moderately entertaining , though drags at times , balancing in ups and downs . So-so Chorizo-Spaghetti Western mostly produced by Spain and important Italian participation , being middlingly shot but with no originality ; and being proceeded in American style more than Spaghetti . Acceptable action sequences with rousing crossfire , and spectacular shootouts with no much sense . Charismatic , but regular , performance for the whole casting . It stars an unknown Luigi Giuliani who gives an average interpretation . Agreeable appearences of two beauties as Germana Monteverdi and Marta Padovan . In the film appears some ordinary support actors from Spahetti/Paella/Tortilla or Chorizo Western as Gaspar 'Indio' González , Cesar Ojinada and Gustavo Re.

Colorful and evocative cinematography by Jaime Deu Casas and Marcello Gatti in Eastmancolor and ChronoScope , shot on location in Fraga , Huesca, Splugues de Llobregat and ranches of Castelldefels . Atmospheric and evocative musical score from Enrique Escobar and Federico Martínez Tudó and in Italian versión Francesco De Massi . Professionally directed by Jose Luis Madrid , a craftsman who made mostly genre films , though resulted to be below average . Madrid became a regular fillmaker in horror , Westerns ,comedies and action and throughout his career he also showed a sense of opportunism with productions .He has written/directed numerous films of all kinds of genres , from thrillers to euroespías, españoladas, lurid dramas or the typical post-Franco movies or horror movies, style where most of their raids would be perpetrated by the emblem of this movement in Spain, the actor, screenwriter and director Jacinto Molina - Paul Naschy, the result of whose collaboration are 'Jack the Ripper of London / Sette Cadaveri per Scotland Yard' (1971) and crimes of 'Petiot' (1972). And directed other terror movies as 'The Vampire motorway' (1969), horror film inspired by a series of real murders occurred in the Spain of the time .He also made chorizo westerns as three titles concentrated in the mid-60: 'Tomb for Desperado' 1965), with Luis Davila , Miguel De La Riva , ('Revenge of Clark Harrison / the colt spietata of Ringo' (1965) and 'The ballad of Johnny Ringo / Wer Johnny R. Kent?' (1966), Spanish-German co-production starring the former Hollywood star Lex Barker and 'Seven Jackals' (1974), starring Anthony Steffen and Gianni Giarko. Furthermore , he made spy movie as O.K. Yevtushenko , dramas as Lucecita , thrillers as Comando Txikia: Muerte de un presidente , this is a reconstruction of the terrorist attack that would end the life of Admiral Carrero Blanco , and Comedies as : Ultimo tango en Madrid ,Strip-tease a la inglesa and wartime as Memorias del general Escobar . And other movies in which Madrid proved his limited skills and without overly relevant in his curriculum title, throughout his career he showed a sense of adaptation by time he lived .
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