London Road (2015)
Is that singing? Are those lyrics?
15 January 2018
A musical about the inhabitants of a road where a serial killer murdered 5 prostitutes. Inappropriate? Maybe, but that doesn't mean it has to be bad. Just because subject matter is dark doesn't mean the end product can't work, That said, nothing in London Road works at all.

The writer of the musical decided to take the actual words of people interviewed after the murder, which is a neat concept. Until that is, you realize that includes every umm, erm, pause, stutter, etc. The lyrics needed to be cleaned up to actually fit to music. Which brings us to the point of the music. It's not musical, it's words spoken in an ALMOST sing-song-y way, but not quite. Every now and then some of the words are put to actual song, and it's... interesting, but still far from good.

The sad thing is that there probably is a strong story in there. Whether about the murders, the investigation, or the people affected by it, something could be told based off that. But not this. Never this.
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