Interesting film. But many facts are poorly described. There are inaccuracies.
15 January 2018
The history of Christianity is described superficially, roughly, negligently. An example of this is the story of the spread of Orthodoxy to the east. The author speaks a lot about Russia. But the first Khrestians appeared in Bulgaria. In 865, at the time of St. Prince Boris, there is a universal baptism of the Bulgarian people. Then Christianity came to modern Ukraine. Then it was Kievan Rus. The capital is the city of Kiev. Prince Vladimir of Kiev was a pagan. Then he chose between different religions for a long time. He even leaned toward Islam. But in chose Christianity. And in 988 he accepted Christianity. The city of Moscow appeared around 1100-1150. And the Moscow principality began to be formed only after 1277.Three centuries after the baptism of Kiev and Sofia. The Moscow state was formed in the 15th century AD.
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