The Outer Limits: Expanding Human (1964)
Season 2, Episode 4
Taking "Consiousness Expanding" Drugs to the next logcal extreme
13 January 2018
This is an interesting episode and I really have to "tip my hat" to writer Francis Cockrell, and directer Gerd Oswald for broaching this subject this way.

When "The Outer Limits" ran its two seasons, actual drug experimentation was at its apex. Timothy Leary had conducted his experiments with LSD just two years prior, and had mad his "turn on, tune in, drop out" statement, encouraging society to question authority and attempt to expand their world view.

Cockrell took this to the next level, by having scientists experimenting with these drugs, develop a new one that enhanced intelligence, overall physical strength, as well as expanding human consciousness.

Though other reviewers have stated that Cockrell and Oswald managed to make an entertaining anti-drug message, I don't see it that way. Most good science fiction prepares us for the pinnacles and pitfalls of what is yet to be. This episode followed the longstanding trope and did so in a thought provoking fashion.

I did think that, overall, "Expanding Human" treated the matter with a great deal of respect and seriousness. Just because the final scene seems to deliver an "anti-drug" message, in reality, I feel it delivers a "new frontiers have their risks."

Overall a very good episode.
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