Fun Memory Lane Show
13 January 2018
The Siskel & Ebert 500th Anniversary Special (1989)

*** 1/2 (out of 4)

This made-for-TV special was to celebrate the 500th show of Siskel & Ebert. The two host this in front of a live audience as they discuss how the show came to be, show various clips from their shows including the fights, answer questions from the audience and they also talk about their favorite movie from the time they've had their show. There's obviously nothing ground-breaking here but if you're a fan of the show then there's a lot of entertainment to be had here. They both talk about how they usually agree one way or another on films and it's rare for them to get into heated debates but that's what people remember. They then show clips to some of the debates including the very heated BLUE VELVET review. The questions from the audiance were also quite good and overall this was a nice time with the two critics.
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