One Step Beyond: Premonition (1959)
Season 1, Episode 8
One Step Beyond - Premonition - A Multi-Faceted Episode
11 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
When I was very young in the early 60's, I saw this episode for the first time with my family. We were all intrigued, and it has been my favorite episode over the years.

However, I was amazed to find a different denouement than I had previously thought when I first viewed it.

About ten years ago I purchased a book that contains all of the One Step Beyond episodes. Well-written and informative, I really enjoyed it.

However, upon looking up Premonition, It differed greatly in my opinion when viewing the ending.

Spoiler - At the end of the episode, Lisa's mother is dancing happily around the ballroom, secure in the supposition that the chandelier is not harmful after all. The family is preparing for the engagement party of her daughter, and it is many years later.

Lisa is very happy, dancing arond the room at her daughter's engagement party. She is no longer worried about the chandelier falling. The beautiful, menacing fixture seems to be safely in place after many years had elapsed since her frightening nightmares as a child.

The party progresses, and all are happy laughing and talking around the buffet. Suddenly, a scream breaks out and we hear the scary sound of all the crystals tinkling together in the chandelier. It crashes to the floor!

I could be wrong, and it seems like I was mistaken. Here is what I had always figured.

I had always thought that the tinkling sound of the chandelier was a final warning preceding it falling. Lisa screams just in time to save her family.

Had she not had the scary experience of the nightmares of the chandelier dropping on her when she was an eleven year old girl, she would never have glanced up just in time and screamed to save her daughter and her fiancee. Though many years later, Lisa realizes that this is the terrifying realization of her nightmares.

In the book and on this site, I read that Lisa is not the intended victim, but the chandelier does eventually fall and kills many in the wedding party. So her premonitions did not save anyone in time. However, she was not the ultimate victim.
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