The Orville: Firestorm (2017)
Season 1, Episode 10
Enjoyable but contrived... and probably not good for Alana's character
8 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A standard "fears come to life" episode, exciting and well-made, with another fairly standard "it's all in the character's head" twist - the most interesting thing about it being the reveal that Alana herself asked to be placed in the situation and to be given a short-term memory wipe (which is the episode's main contrivance, and a pretty large one). I realized it was all in her mind after Gordon got eaten. This episode reminded me at various points of ENT's Vanishing Point, TNG's Suddenly Human and Where No-One Has Gone Before, and DS9's If Wishes Were Horses, Starship Down (the teaser) and The Adversary (the hunt for the clown). I'm not sure how well Alana is working as a character though - she was used really well in Cupid's Dagger, but her two featured episodes so far (this and Command Performance) aren't really effective as character development. On the contrary, they paint her as a willful, immature liability, and I don't think that's the intention.
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