SEAL Team: Pattern of Life (2018)
Season 1, Episode 10
Brilliant Episode
7 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
To me it's a more realistic episode and that's why I like it. This episode doesn't shy away from the unpleasantness that war brings, but shows it as it is. Sometimes unplanned things happen and you have to make the best of a very bad situation.

The SEAL team breach a home in order to look for a phone linked to terrorist activity, but in doing so, accidentally wound the unarmed daughter of the owner of the home.

Herein lies the rub, the SEAL team has a mission to complete, so Jason has to juggle between the priorities of interrogating the remaining occupants to determine who is the terrorist sympathizer, all the while looking for the phone, as well as keeping the girl alive and keeping Clay's head in the game. (Clay shot the girl and it weighs on him - the girl being wounded also weighs on Jason because she reminds him of his daughter) All of this has to be done within a limited time frame because morning prayers in Yemen are not far away and they MUST ex-fil before then.

In addition, even though Jason would rather leave and allow the daughter to get to a hospital so that she can receive medical help, the General in charge of the mission is putting pressure on him to stay and complete the mission at all costs, regardless of the girl's life. So Jason as the leader has to somehow keep calm and get it all done. Fascinating stuff.

The episode also doesn't shy away from the premise that when American drone strikes kill innocent civilians, it actually fuels the fire to create more terrorists. On that note, the acting of the non-combatant parents was quite gripping. When you're innocent, what can you tell a soldier who believes otherwise?

I can't decide if the ending was to make the shooting 'justified' or if they needed to do that to create suspense until the end, but that's up to you.

Overall an outstanding episode to me because of its realism, but I understand why other users would rate it poorly, however American Special Forces do raid homes and take HVT's and I can't imagine that it always goes smoothly.
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