Kojak: A Grave Too Soon (1976)
Season 3, Episode 19
7 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Missed part of the episode but what I saw was enthralling. The aptly-titled episode could equally refer to the tragedy of beautiful actress Diana Hyland, who died the following year (1977), aged 41, from cancer. A fine actress, she does her best, but she clearly is weak and delicate, notwithstanding the character she is playing. The character wears a wig when up to nefarious activity but I suspect the blonde locks the actress is wearing were also a wig.

In the last scene with Kojak the actress dispenses with all the wigs and her head is covered by a long fashionable looking wrap, in a party scene no less, clearly an indication something is wrong. One of Hyland's swan songs (she was the original mother on "Eight is Enough" before being forced to abandon the role due to her health), it is a reminder of what a fine actress she was and what a great life and career were cut horrendously and unforgivably short.
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