2017 MTV Video Music Awards (2017 TV Special)
Once again R.I.P. to music awards shows
6 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Here we have the "2017 MTV Video Music Awards", the most recent edition of a pretty long-running music awards show. It runs for 3 hours, but this also includes a great deal of commercials as the show alone only runs for 2 hours and 10 minutes. This means that commercials here are about 40% of the show and there really is no justification for that. Now if the show was at a level at least where you are curious about what happens next, but this is far from true. It's the opposite in fact. And you can not really call it an awards show either as the awards given out live felt like the interruption to a concert show really. It's perfectly okay we need to wait for 20 minutes until the first awards, this is often the case too at the Oscars, but there probably wasn't even an award in here once every 20 minutes. Instead we get one mediocre singer and forgettable song with full playback after the next. The only performance that was okay (besides Rod Stewart maybe) was that girl named Cara perhaps when she was solo, but that anti-suicide song afterward destroyed it again right away. Tough to say what was worst here. That one with all these suicidal people on stage, or the Pink/DeGeneres number or the Susan Bro appearance with that reverend or what else. Too many to pick from. But maybe the very worst was when we had one singer on stage and they went to the commercials right during her singing with a female announcer telling us what's next. RIGHT DURING HER PERFORMANCE! Could they be any more disrespectful? It also goes completely against their concept into putting the emphasis on all these performances instead of the awards as they themselves really don't respect the artists as well. Oh yeah and about all the pseudo-important talk and moments about equality, against racial discrimination, serxual discrimination, body shaming, slut shaming etc. (it's all there, who cares this is a music show) what can you say? Most of it did not belong there and actually nothing about it felt sincere or authentic at all. But hey lets show everybody how tolerant we are. And as always everybody was friends with everybody, dear friends of course. And nobody is on his own. Lets see if Pink responds when I call her tonight if she wants to have dinner with me next week and talk a bit about our lives. Anyway, back the awards, the few that there were. Why are they announced by up-and-coming very talented actresses. I mean I like Steinfeld and Brown, but what are they doing at an awards show for music announcing key categories??? And please don't say it's because of Pitch Perfect. We don't have Ed Sheeran handing out the Best Picture Oscar either. Oh yeah he was in a music video with Saoirse Ronan recently, makes complete sense! So yes these slightly over 2 hours were a mess from start to finish. Host Katy Perry with her despicable anti-Trump bashing and equally bad blonde platinum blonde short hair was disappointing as a host and so was her final performance of the night. Shame for she looks so stunning with long dark hair. Flying in the air as an astronaut and basketball player just isn't enough and the final shot of her hanging around there powerlessly summarized the night perfectly. All in all, this was a huge failure, another nail in the coffin for the Grammys and MTV VMAs that have both sucked a lot for years and this also refers to the creative talent of the defining artists of this generation. I may sound like an old man saying they are nowhere near the level of past generations, but I am not old. Instead I am 100% correct and I hope things take a turn for the better soon. At least it can't get any worse, can it? Huh shouldn't have said that. The 2018 VMAs will probably prove me wrong. As fore the 2017 edition, you really wanna skip it. Major thumbs-down from me.
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