Review of P

P (2005)
Good intentions, bad execution(s)
6 January 2018
Pun very much intended. While the idea behind the movie is really a good one and a story that should be told, it's delivery feels more than outdated. And it's only been 12 years since the release. Even if you can forgive the weak visual effects (due to budget restraints) and don't care about Thailands very strict code regarding nudity (which you don't need in a movie anyway), the "acting", directing and editing are not always up to the task to put it mildly.

There are worse examples concerning those things, so it is not absolutely terrible, that does not make it great on the other hand either. The story is very predictable with superstitions and magic working their way into the story. And some fake blood, but no actual violence depicted on screen (everything happens off screen, which is a neat thing to do for suspense purposes, here it's more about censorship again) ...
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