The X-Files: My Struggle III (2018)
Season 11, Episode 1
Outrageously poor
5 January 2018
I am almost at a loss for words here. If you were a fan of the original series then I advise you not to watch any episodes of this long drawn out farcical attempt at TV production. The Dialog is beyond ridiculous, its like someone threw a bucket of bad clichés into a hat and then picked them out randomly and then scrambled them to make them even worse. The plot is puerile and overly melodramatic. The camerawork and direction was so terrible it was constantly noticeable. The acting was truly terrible . I actually felt embarrassed for the actors . Obviously they didn't feel embarrassed and I am disappointed that money still means so much to duchovny and andersson that they would sell any shred of credibility as actors they have left. The sound in this was appalling , again overly melodramatic, but I realised that the sound must have been put in at the last minute to hide the painfully bad dialog. I passionately advise against watching it, you will thank me for saving you from coma inducing silliness.
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