Review of Hero

Hero (2002)
Great start, but dwindles later on
5 January 2018
The start is really cool, with very enjoyable action scenes. The emperor's perception of the hero originally could be a red herring...or not? The sense of mystery made it exciting to find out the actual story. But ugh, I was really disappointed in the story later on.

The plot went all over the place and had practically no cohesion with all sorts of stuff not making much sense. All those plot twists were annoying.

The visuals are beautiful, but that's basically the only thing I can compliment. The action scenes were quite cool at first, but later on became rather annoying with all the exaggerated jumping and whatnot.

I would recommend only watching until the first half. The second half is filled with irking plot twists and is overall less exciting. Two-thirds into the movie, I was already losing interest because the plot felt nonexistent just for the sake of tacking a moral message in the end.

TL;DR: It was cool in the first half, but the really poor plot towards the second half marred the movie.

+ Great visuals

+ Enjoyable action scenes in the start

  • Really illogical and contrived plot

  • Action scenes eventually become annoyingly exaggerated
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