Paranormal Survivor (2015– )
Actual Evidence Never Shown.......hmmm...wonder why that would be..
3 January 2018
I have seen several episodes of this programme (I am watching an episode as I type) and very often the "survivors" claim to have installed CCTV in rooms and basements and captured footage of things being thrown about, entities, taps turning on etc etc. Never does this programme show any of the footage. In the episode I am currently watching a couple who own a tattoo shop claim their CCTV captured their shop being trashed by a ghost one night, and that photographs taken in the basement captured a large threatening figure at the far end of the basement. Guess what? The footage and photos are never revealed. Instead the programme provides a ridiculously laughable reconstruction of what the "survivors" claim they captured on CCTV/camera. The claimed footage/photos would be gold, a smoking gun, near irrefutable proof. Why is it never shown? Because it never happened. This programme is so fake, and so dull. And please, do not say that people lose things over time. Not that kind of stuff and not by every "survivor". Dire indeed.
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